In the age of digitalization and data mobility, we know how technically important software and the Internet are. New technologies are often implemented through software which can be reprogrammed or copied with relatively little effort or disseminated online via the Internet without any problem. For this reason, effective protection of these values is very important. The team of software and Internet patent attorneys at Insight IP have worked in the trenches of this highly competitive industry. They know firsthand that it requires forward-looking strategies to protect the value of new ideas and inventions from software development in telecommunications, operating systems, and computer architecture, to e-commerce infrastructure and applications, our attorneys have the technical know-how and experience to assist companies, large and small. Our attorneys enable us to pair a client with attorneys who specialize in the client organization’s specific area of technology.
Our Software & Internet expertise
Augmented reality / virtual reality
Business processes
Cryptocurrency and other immutable ledger applications
E-commerce and internet
Embedded and vehicular systems
Knowledge systems and data mining
Machine Learning
Streaming media
User interface techniques